Monday, September 10, 2007

A day at the park....

Today Conner, Claire, Benji, Auntie (my sis), Grandma and I had a wonderful picnic at the park. We got to see the choo choo train MANY times, run on the grass, play on all the fun slides and in the sand. The weather today is so beautiful, our picnic could not have been better other than we really missed daddy.

Claire wanted the bag of chips and the "chip clip"

I almost have it...

I got it!

Aren't they the cutest? These two love each other so much!


Auntie and Grandma had to give Claire a little cuddle love.

Conner and Benji found a tree...

Check out the train! They both stood at the fence (or shall I say on it) and watched the train pass by about 1,000 times.


Heather Henderson said...

Those are so cute. I love those two boys hugging eachother. They are so sweet. Good for Claire. She knows where the good stuff it.