Saturday, August 18, 2007

Conner and Claire.....

Here are a few pictures of Conner and his sissy...

Sissy eating the blanket....

Claire wearing her new dress Grandma bought her....
Claire is also sitting up all on her own. She is such a big girl.
I have to add that Claire is saying "Dada"... It's so cute & her daddy is so proud. Mommy too.


Conner loves to play at the park and go down the BIG slide.

Silly Boy!


Heather Henderson said...

My favorite pictures are always the ones of brother and sister together. They are so precious. Claire looks awesome in pink. What a pretty girl. Conner is looking sooo handsome. He getting to be such a big boy!

Sorry I haven't commented on the blog in a while...summer is nutso!

The Whipple Family: said...

They are getting so big!!!!

Hey - Lexi has the same onsie that Claire is wearing in the first picture! Awe!

Anonymous said...

Sooo cute! You four are so lucky. What a beautiful family....beautiful babies! Yeah for grandchildren!