Saturday, August 18, 2007

Seaworld 2007

We just took our annual family trip to Sea World.

Conner had a blast. Claire too. Mommy and daddy were exhausted!It was very, very hot and very crowded.
Conner got to visit with the Clydesdale's, Penguins, Flamingos, Dolphins, Sharks, Shamu and even got to hold a star fish as well as touch a snake(yuck)...Conner was in heaven.

The "Princess" just sat there looking pretty.

Conner and the snake.
The snake was about 6 feet long.

Conner taking a peek at the Flamingo's and the ducks.

We ended the day in the water park. Conner has a blast playing in the fountains.

It was a little more challenging than normal with two kids but we made it and had a great day together.


Heather Henderson said...

Sea World! how fun! I can't believe Conner wasn't afraid of that GIANT SNAKE!!!! That looks like a fun trip. What a fun family you have!

The Whipple Family: said...

That looks like fun... and of course Connor found water! Watch out.. he may turn into a fish one of these days!!!

Claire is so beautiful!