Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Update on our growth.....

Conner or shall I call him "TROUBLE" is keeping mom on her toes. He has learned that he is not an only child and that as Claire grows he has some competition. Conner has learned how to torment his sissy and give mom a rather BIG headache.

The car seats are being separated this week. Conner takes Claire's blanky, toys and has figured out how to grab her hand really hard while we drive. Sissy has been getting beat up on.

Do you think they will notice I took sissy's blanky?

Everyday Conner has a million new words to say... I just wonder where he gets them from. We have had much success with his big boy bed. Conner no longer sleeps with the side rail up. So far no accidents with falling out. He is challenging me on his naps right now. This makes mommy sad since that is her quiet time....

Claire will be 6 months old tomorrow. She is 20 pounds plus and continues to amaze Mike and I every single day. She is now sitting up on her own, some days we need a little pillow support but she's figured out that she can play with more of her toys if she is sitting. When she is on her back she roles around and is all smiles. We are doing a 10 hour stretch at night of sleep. Unfortunately it's from 6:00 pm till 4:00 am and then back to bed till 7:00 am. I guess I will take what I can get. It's more rest than some get right? Our teeth are almost in. I can see both bottom teeth and expect them any day. I guess I can say that considering I thought we'd see them a few months ago.

Claire LOVES avocados, but then again she LOVES food.


Heather Henderson said...

OH MAN! Don't let go of nap time!! I think I will have a heart attack if Caroline ever gives hers up. Claire is such a big girl. It looks like her and Jack share the same affection for food! That big brother better be nice to his sissy because one day I am sure she will fight back!