Sunday, June 3, 2007

Fun times.......

Conner has mastered the art of riding pretty much anything… He loves his scooter and of course his daddy’s tricycle. The tricycle that Conner is riding was Mike’s and is about 37 years old (not to give away daddy’s age). Papa Nick gave Conner the tricycle at Christmas. Conner just loves scooting around our backyard on it.

Conner and his "Best Friend" Taylor having a day of fun at the Irvine Spectrum

Claire relaxing as her brother has some fun....

Miss Smiles having some tummy time on the floor....

Claire is now 16 weeks old... I can't believe how fast time goes by! She is starting to experience the "saucer".....

Mommy & Daddy had "Date Night"at the Angel game....

FUN, FUN, FUN.....


Heather Henderson said...

You guys are so cute! I think Conner grows about a foot a week! Clair is beautiful in those bright colors and you guys look great too! Can't wait to have another BBQ soon!

The Whipple Family: said...

You kids are just too adorable!!

Isn't "Date Night" great??? I love when we can get away for a few hours for some much needed time together!